Harvey Milk said long ago, the most important thing you will ever do as a gay person
is come out. Over the last two decades,
our collective coming out has transformed society.
out also transforms individuals. Of
course safety and other practical considerations can put reasonable time,
place, and manner restrictions on how we do it.
But even as an introvert, my own experiences and my observation of other
LGBT folks have taught me to err on the side of outing yourself. The truth makes you free.
it’s time to come out about three important truths, and finally explain to
everyone why I disappeared a year ago.
1. I am a
person living with mental illness.
after I moved to Bellingham in July 2015, my body began to do strange new
things. Many were wildly magnified
versions of the mild anxiety symptoms I had successfully coped with for many
years, such as trichotillomania, bruxism (teeth-grinding), and social
anxiety. Others were completely
example, trichotillomania is the compulsion to pull out your hair and
eyelashes. I’ve had a mild case ever
since high school. At particularly
stressful times, without realizing it, I yank at the hair by my ears. This used to happen once or twice a year, and
just for a few days. A barber once told
me he’d seen similar pairs of small bald spots on only one other kind of neck –
overwhelmed Asian grad students.
new torment was totally different. Every
day, all day, I would struggle to stop myself from ferociously rubbing my
forehead and pulling out the hair on my scalp.
Eventually, I serendipitously discovered I could distract myself some of
the time by fiddling with oversized pipe cleaners from Michael’s craft store,
although doing so still made me terribly self-conscious. Even with the progress I’ve made in the last
few months, I struggle with trichotillomania and other symptoms every single
day. My forehead is throbbing as I type
this paragraph now.
In November 2015, when I described my symptoms to my new
Bellingham physician, he promptly diagnosed me with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and serious codependency. He referred me to a
therapist who helped us figure out the relationship between my symptoms and traumatic
experiences in my Mormon youth thirty years
year’s feature writing Pulitzer Prize went to a New York
Times Magazine article about a Marine Corps marksman whose life was
destroyed by PTSD. As I told a
Bellingham friend who developed PTSD after serving as an Army Ranger medic in
Afghanistan, I am sheepish about invoking the same DSM-V category as him. He told me not to be concerned, and that
soldiers feel lucky they get so many folks’ respect. They worry
instead about the countless children and women who are scarred by the impact of
earlier domestic abuse and do not have access to the help they need. Some healthcare practitioners nevertheless
limit PTSD diagnoses to situations involving grievous physical violence. Others take a broader approach, and there
even is a burgeoning literature about the traumatic effects of the closet. My own physician
recently told me that even if he used a slightly different label for his
diagnosis, the result would be the same: events last year triggered my body’s toxic response
to traumas I encountered as an overachieving but confused young gay Mormon.

2. I was fired
from my dream job by incompetent and biased bureaucrats at the Attorney
General’s Office.
2014, my former partner and his husband decided to move out of Seattle and
start a new business. They ended up
choosing Bellingham, where my parents happen to have lived since 1981. After eight months alone in Seattle as a fulltime
single parent with three young children – still probably the hardest thing I’ve
ever done – I was ready to cry uncle.
a miracle occurred. In the summer of
2015, I was offered my dream position in Bellingham with the Washington
Attorney General’s Office (AGO), as chief legal advisor to Western Washington
University. It was the perfect fit, in
the perfect place for my family. I loved
everything about my job and the prospect of working at Western until the kids
graduate and I retire – except for the fact that insecure and incompetent
colleagues at the AGO treated me like a noxious invader. My superiors’ actions triggered PTSD symptoms
that continue today.
By the time my
healthcare providers and I figured out what was going on, it was too late to
alter my superiors’ opinions of me, or to persuade them to take seriously the
AGO’s obligations under the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Washington
Law Against Discrimination. After
placing me on an abusive home assignment last March, the AGO fired me in May
2016 without even bothering to return my disability lawyer’s call.
later, I finally mediated and reached a settlement agreement with my former
employers. The mediation itself and its
outcome were frustrating. Nevertheless, they provided a measure of closure that
improved my condition, and the money has helped my family survive what
sometimes feels like a series of biblical plagues.
about this experience has been excruciating.
I don’t expect to practice law ever again, although I haven’t ruled out
the possibility. I think of myself as a
writer now, not a lawyer. Of course, I’m
still looking for a day job in Bellingham. Let me know if you hear of any leads.
3. I am suing
Ogden Murphy Wallace PLLC for contributing to my injuries.
week I am filing a lawsuit in King County Superior Court against another one of
my tormentors, the Seattle law firm Ogden Murphy Wallace PLLC (“Seattle’s sleaziest bottom-feeding law firm®”).
year, while my request for a reasonable accommodation of my disability was pending, I submitted a separate sexual orientation discrimination complaint regarding an unpleasant encounter with my immediate
supervisor. I contended the AGO acted on
the basis of deeply rooted implicit and explicit homophobia when it took
serious adverse action against me (such as giving $3,000 raises to every single
Assistant Attorney General except me).
AGO appointed an ostensibly independent outside investigator to look into my
complaint: Ogden Murphy partner Patrick Pearce. He chose to become a mouthpiece for the AGO
echo chamber, endorsing and accelerating a shameful rush to judgment about my
character and competence.
Pearce all but ignored my actual complaint about sexual orientation
discrimination. Rather, the April 29,
2016 Ogden Murphy Report focused on a second purported investigation
topic – “Employee Conduct During 3/1/16 Meeting” – that I was unaware
of, and would never have consented to having joined to and eclipsing my
discrimination complaint. Crediting only
cherry-picked AGO witnesses and self-serving documents, parroting unrebutted
and unreliable hearsay, ignoring my documented disability, and contradicting
Mr. Pearce’s own representations to me, the Ogden Murphy Report opines that the
AGO did nothing untoward, but that I acted unprofessionally and without any
justification throughout my tenure.
upon receiving the Ogden Murphy Report, the AGO fired me – without ever
listening to my lawyer or doctors, and without giving me the opportunity to
respond to the Report itself, or to most of the catalog of supposed offenses it
The Washington State Bar Association's recent presidential column about
diversity and inclusion crystalized my outrage over one glaring example of the
AGO’s and Ogden Murphy’s negligence and obtuseness:
"[I]in a group meeting for the Bellingham Section to discuss diversity as a hiring focus, Mr. Leishman commented that the Bellingham Section seemed to be the only Attorney General's office without any straight white males. Straight male employees were in attendance at the meeting."
The Ogden Murphy Report neglects to mention the only
“straight male employees” in the entire twenty-person Bellingham office are two
men of color. They would agree there is
nothing wrong with talking honestly about diversity and inclusion. There is also nothing wrong about being a gay
father, or about suffering from PTSD. Unless
you’re the AGO and Ogden Murphy.
While preparing my lawsuit, I found a skeleton in
Ogden Murphy's closet with a suspicious resemblance to myself. This is
not the first time Mr. Pearce’s shoddy work has cost taxpayers. He also drafted the Office of Insurance
Commissioner’s Whitewash Report on Chief Hearing Officer Patricia
Petersen. Judge Petersen had filed a whistleblower
complaint against a superior in the OIC after he improperly pressured her to
rule for the OIC in matters pending before her.
Just as in my case, the State placed Judge Peterson on administrative
leave, and hired Mr. Pearce to do a third-rate hatchet job digging for
imaginary dirt before firing her. She
ended up getting a $450,000 settlement from her former employers. See, e.g., Talmadge Fitzpatrick’s memo and the
Seattle Times’
and the Puget Sound Business Journal's reports. Mr. Pearce’s faux “independent” reports have now
burdened taxpayers with at least two six-figure settlements. Perhaps the firm should consider a new
slogan: “Ogden Murphy is the go-to firm
for employers who want to commission an incompetent whitewash, then pay a hefty
sum to their fired employees.”
Several of you have counseled me against litigation,
suggesting it would be crazy to subject my family to the kind of stress and
uncertainty I have observed in my clients’ experiences. Last year it was indeed more important to
obtain closure with my employers than to tell my story publicly. But we’re prepared now.
technically I am crazy, although I
suspect Ogden Murphy will soon be disappointed to find I’m also a damn good
lawyer. And some of my friends are among
the best trial lawyers in the state. (You
may place your bet on how many days it will take before Ogden Murphy admits
they made a mistake refusing the very reasonable settlement offer my mom
insisted I make before filing suit.) After twenty-five years of pursuing strategic
impact litigation benefiting the LGBT community, I couldn’t let my own first
lawsuit be just about the money (although my family certainly needs some
financial relief after everything that we have been through). Instead, I hope to educate others about
important topics: Mental illness, PTSD,
and codependency. The enduring trauma of
the closet. Chronic incompetence at the
AGO. And of course Ogden Murphy’s
pattern of abusing distinguished public servants.
is only the beginning of what I expect will be an exciting new chapter of
advocacy. You are reading the medium-sized
version of the story – the “tall” tale,
in Starbucks lingo. This is only the
beginning of what I expect will be an exciting new chapter of advocacy. I have also drafted short, grande, and venti
accounts of what went wrong at the Attorney General’s Office and Ogden Murphy,
all of which you can find at Choose your
am also well underway on the barrel-sized version of this and other stories, in
a memoir about the trauma I endured at the hands of tormentors in my youth and
at the AGO three decades later. At this
point in my progress, my doctor has encouraged my book project as
therapeutic. My working title started as Running
With Chainsaws: Tales of Sex, Religion,
and Mental Illness. Eventually the book evolved to Anyone Can Whistle: a Memoir of Showtunes, Religion, and Mental Illness. So far the story is funny, frank,
informative, and brutal. One of my
primary themes is to show how the tyranny of the closet harms individuals and
society. Even before completing the book
manuscript, I am no longer willing to duck questions from my friends.
I’m enjoying spring, making progress with my disability, and moving on with
life. Other than my relationship with my family, the only bright spot this
year has been singing with the Vancouver Men’s Chorus after my fifteen years in
the Seattle Men’s Chorus. VMC shared the
stage with Chanticleer last weekend, and now we’re gearing up for our June
concerts. (Tickets are on sale at
kids are thriving, Bellingham is great, and Vancouver is even better. Happy spring.